Set For Life Numbers

Here are the Set for Life results for the past six months. If you want to find out more about a specific draw, then select a result date to view more information. Select a year from the menu to view an entire year's worth of Set for Life results. Set For Life draw details for the previous 180 days with the most recent draw shown at the top. Calls to 03 numbers cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers.

  1. Statistics

Choose from the dropdown menus below to see different statistical analyses for the complete results database of any given lottery. Statistics are updated automatically each time a new set of winning numbers is added to the database.

View a breakdown of the 15 most common numbers for a lottery, ordered by frequency, showing the most common at the top.

View a breakdown of the 15 least common numbers for a lottery, ordered by frequency, showing the least common at the top.

View a breakdown of the 15 most overdue numbers for a lottery, ordered by frequency, showing the most overdue at the top.

View a breakdown of the 15 most common consecutive pairs of numbers for a lottery, ordered by frequency, showing the most common at the top

View a page showing breakdowns of the 15 most commonly drawn triplets, with the most popular triplet being shown at the top of the list.

View a page showing a list of the 15 most often drawn quadruplets, ordered by frequency with the most common at the top.

View the breakdown of the 15 most common consecutive pairs of numbers, ordered by frequency with the most common at the top.

See a breakdown of the most common consecutive triplets of results, ordered by frequency with the most common at the top.

View the breakdown of the most common consecutive quadruplets of results, ordered by frequency with the most common at the top.

View a table highlighting every possible combination of odd and even numbers and how many times that combination of odd and even numbers has been drawn.

View tables displaying the number draw frequencies of lottery numbers, including bonus pool numbers as well as lottery game matrix changes.

Set for life numbers 24th of december

View tables showing hit and miss statistics (draws since last drawn) for a lottery to view patterns.

  1. Most Common Numbers

This page shows a breakdown of the 18 most common UK Set For Life Main numbers drawn, as well as the most common Life Ball numbers in UK Set For Life. Results are ordered by frequency with the most common at the top.

Set For Life Numbers For Tonight Thursday

UK Set For Life Number Draw Frequency for Main Numbers:
  • 32
    Last Drawn:
    29 days ago
  • 26
    Last Drawn:
    5 days ago
  • 42
    Last Drawn:
    8 days ago
  • 6
    Last Drawn:
    15 days ago
  • 15
    Last Drawn:
    40 days ago
  • 21
    Last Drawn:
    64 days ago
  • 4
    Last Drawn:
    1 days ago
  • 20
    Last Drawn:
    8 days ago
  • 39
    Last Drawn:
    5 days ago
  • 23
    Last Drawn:
    8 days ago
  • 16
    Last Drawn:
    33 days ago
  • 17
    Last Drawn:
    1 days ago
  • 29
    Last Drawn:
    36 days ago
  • 3
    Last Drawn:
    47 days ago
  • 7
    Last Drawn:
    5 days ago
  • 35
    Last Drawn:
    12 days ago
  • 38
    Last Drawn:
    47 days ago
  • 2
    Last Drawn:
    26 days ago

Check My Set For Life Numbers Uk

Set For Life Numbers

Set For Life Numbers To Win

UK Set For Life Number Draw Frequency for Life Ball Numbers:
  • 10
    Last Drawn:
    8 days ago
  • 9
    Last Drawn:
    29 days ago
  • 6
    Last Drawn:
    5 days ago
  • 5
    Last Drawn:
    61 days ago
  • 2
    Last Drawn:
    1 days ago
  • 7
    Last Drawn:
    15 days ago
  • 3
    Last Drawn:
    50 days ago
  • 8
    Last Drawn:
    19 days ago
  • 1
    Last Drawn:
    78 days ago
  • 4
    Last Drawn:
    26 days ago

Set For Life Numbers History

Page Last Updated: Monday, 8 February 2021 08:55 PM

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